• Every Linux Networking Tool I know...


    ping - are these computers even connected?

    curl - make any HTTP request you want

    httpie - cURL-like tool for humans

    wget - downloading files

    tc - show / manipulate traiffc control settings

    dig/nslookup - what is the IP address for that domain?

    whois - check domain registration

    ssh - secure shell

    scp - file copy over a ssh connection

    rsync - copy only changed files (works over SSH)

    ngrep - grep for network

    tcpdump - dump traffic on a network

    wireshark - dump traffic on a network with a GUI

    tshark - dump and analyze network traffic

    tcpflow - TCP flow recorder

    ifconfig - what is my IP address

    route - view / change routing table

    ip - replaces ifconfig, route and more!!

    arp - ARP table

    mitmproxy - spy on SSL connections your program are making

    nmap - Port scanning

    zenmap - nmap with GUI

    p0f - identify remote systems passively

    openvpn - VPN

    wireguard - VPN

    nc - netcat! make TCP connections manually

    socat - proxy a TCP socket to a unix domain socket

    telnet - like ssh but insecure

    ftp/sftp - copy files. sftp does it over ssh

    netstat / ss / lsof / fuser - what ports are server using?

    iptables - setup firewalls and NAT

    nftables - new version of iptables

    hping3 - construct any TCP packet you want

    traceroute / mtr - what servers are on the way to that server

    tcptraceroute - use TCP packets instead of ICMP to traceroute

    ethtool - manage physical Ethernet connections + network cards

    iw / iwconfig - manage wireless network settings (see speed/frequency)

    sysctl - configure Linux kernel´s network stack

    openssl - do literally anything with SSL certificates

    stunnel - make a SSL proxy for an insecure server

    iptraf / nethogs / iftop / ntop - see what is using bandwith

    ab / nload / iperf - benchmarking tools

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer Port - server files from a directory

    ipcalc - IPv4 netmask/broadcast/etc calculator

    nsenter - run program in different namespaces


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